coin_artist 50k Follower Puzzle – Write-up

The infamous crypto puzzle artist coin_artist just launched a new NFT airdrop for hitting 50,000 followers on Twitter. As with all coin_artist related announcements and products, we immediately dusted off the magnifying glass and started to seek for a puzzle. We quickly saw that she tweeted #1347 which is her bat signal that there is a puzzle to be found. It did not take long for us to find the trailhead!


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coin_artist – 34700 $coin Puzzle Write-Up ($20,000)


A few of us recently participated in another puzzle and managed to be victorious, collecting 34700 $coin (est $20,000 at time of solve) prize. coin_artist of Blockade Game and Bitcoin fame recently launched a new crypto currency called $coin. She had the idea of having the coin's original value backed by the purchase of NFTs that cost several Ethereum.

There was a clever stipulation involved though, anyone who owned one of these original $coin NFTs would be able to solve a puzzle with a $coin reward once launched. Cloverme of Age of Rust (Space Pirate) purchased a few of these NFTs and gifted one of them to us. This gave us the chance to participate and attempt to solve her puzzle.

With the launch of $coin, it unleashed a new puzzle designed and created by Lee Sparks (motive).

Let's dive into it.

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