coin_artist – 34700 $coin Puzzle Write-Up ($20,000)


A few of us recently participated in another puzzle and managed to be victorious, collecting 34700 $coin (est $20,000 at time of solve) prize. coin_artist of Blockade Game and Bitcoin fame recently launched a new crypto currency called $coin. She had the idea of having the coin's original value backed by the purchase of NFTs that cost several Ethereum.

There was a clever stipulation involved though, anyone who owned one of these original $coin NFTs would be able to solve a puzzle with a $coin reward once launched. Cloverme of Age of Rust (Space Pirate) purchased a few of these NFTs and gifted one of them to us. This gave us the chance to participate and attempt to solve her puzzle.

With the launch of $coin, it unleashed a new puzzle designed and created by Lee Sparks (motive).

Let's dive into it.

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NahamCon – Trash the Cache Write-up (Web 1000)

I recently participated in the NahamCon CTF with the team Hacking for Soju. I was unable to complete this challenge before the end of the CTF, but managed to solve it the following day. Credits to maneolt and xehle for sharing notes and giving me a couple nudges.

Shout-out to the challenge creator Adam Langley (give him a follow) for keeping the hype going after the CTF ended and also making one of the better web CTFs I have seen!

It starts with

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JosieBellini’s Yours Truly Puzzle Walkthrough

We recently participated in the Yours Truly puzzle created by Josie Bellini (@josiebellini) and managed to secure a victory by being the first to solve the entire puzzle series. Here is a walkthrough of all the puzzles and how to unlock Josie’s Yours Truly puzzle wallet.


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