BT’s Metaversal Album Treasure Hunt Solution


The musical artist known as BT recently launched his 14th album as an interactive NFT experience on the Arweave blockchain called Metaversal. Part of this experience was a multiple day long puzzle treasure hunt.


The beginning of the treasure hunt:

The whole experience involved a matic airdrop, three days of puzzles leading to 11 NFTs each day, a geocache treasure hunt in real life, and a final puzzle involving the NFT game Neon District.

We assembled a squad and dove in to solve the BT puzzles:

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Cr0wnGhoul 1ETH Puzzle: You’ve Got Mail Write-up

Solved by:

Cr0wn_Gh0ul launched a new puzzle with a 1 Eth and 800 Matic prize recently. This involved airdropping matic NFTs and contracts to many addresses, similar to the one million matic NFTs he airdropped recently. This puzzle involved navigating the contracts, finding the NFTs, extracting text from the NFT images, and using the text as a private key. I will explain the process that went into solving this puzzle.

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coin_artist 50k Follower Puzzle – Write-up

The infamous crypto puzzle artist coin_artist just launched a new NFT airdrop for hitting 50,000 followers on Twitter. As with all coin_artist related announcements and products, we immediately dusted off the magnifying glass and started to seek for a puzzle. We quickly saw that she tweeted #1347 which is her bat signal that there is a puzzle to be found. It did not take long for us to find the trailhead!


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coin_artist – 34700 $coin Puzzle Write-Up ($20,000)


A few of us recently participated in another puzzle and managed to be victorious, collecting 34700 $coin (est $20,000 at time of solve) prize. coin_artist of Blockade Game and Bitcoin fame recently launched a new crypto currency called $coin. She had the idea of having the coin's original value backed by the purchase of NFTs that cost several Ethereum.

There was a clever stipulation involved though, anyone who owned one of these original $coin NFTs would be able to solve a puzzle with a $coin reward once launched. Cloverme of Age of Rust (Space Pirate) purchased a few of these NFTs and gifted one of them to us. This gave us the chance to participate and attempt to solve her puzzle.

With the launch of $coin, it unleashed a new puzzle designed and created by Lee Sparks (motive).

Let's dive into it.

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JosieBellini’s Yours Truly Puzzle Walkthrough

We recently participated in the Yours Truly puzzle created by Josie Bellini (@josiebellini) and managed to secure a victory by being the first to solve the entire puzzle series. Here is a walkthrough of all the puzzles and how to unlock Josie’s Yours Truly puzzle wallet.


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Montecrypto – ARGSS Write-Up

Montecrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma

A solve diary & challenge-by-challenge walkthrough by the crew who cracked it

ARG Solving Station: Luigy, en, JTobcat, ziot, motive, Askin, lucifers_cat
Special thanks to: Austin, nsnc, pipecork

Meet us and learn more in ARGSS

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